Chin mahogany homes
Plugin information
Version 2.3.0 (Updated )
Product information
€ 5,00 / 30 days
Chin mahogany homes is a plugin that will automatically do the mahogany homes minigame for you. It's a much cheaper but slower way of training the construction skill. The plugin supports the plank sack, can get a new contract from one of the mahogany home offices around gielenor or simply by magically contacting Amy using the NPC contact spell. You can configure your own teleports (runes / magic tablets / jewellery / mounted jewellery / PoH jewellery box / PoH nexus / PoH portal / PoH location (for Hosidius)). If you equip any staff or a tome of water / fire the plugin will detect it and not take out those runes, if your runes are in a rune pouch that item will be used instead. Got a Imcando Hammer or stole Amy her saw? Simply equip it and the plugin will not take out a hammer / saw.
- Imcando hammer / Amy's saw supported
- All contract types
- Lunars supported
- All the teleport you could ever need
- Stamina support
- All staves / tomes supported
Product details
- Teleports methods to Ardougne, Falador, Varrock and Hosidius
Supported items
Supported teleports
- Runes
- Magic tablet
- PoH portal
- PoH portal nexus
- Runes
- Magic tablet
- PoH portal
- PoH portal nexus
- PoH jewellery box
- Runes
- Magic tablet
- PoH portal
- PoH portal nexus
- Magic tablet
- Xeric's talisman
- PoH (Mounted Xeric's)
- Teleport to house (your house has to be located at Hosidius)
- Level 50+ construction for the better contracts
- Level 67+ magic for NPC contact
- Plank sack (should be first unlock when you have the points)
- Stamina potions
Getting started
- Once you've received your access token, enter this within the settings panel of the Chin mahogany homes plugin.
- Configure your delays, if you are unsure on what custom delays to use, leave these at the default settings.
- Open the Chin manager side panel.
- Select the plugin(s) you would like to start.
- Click the start button.
Getting support!
- If you discover any bugs, please post them in the following Discord channel, including as much information as possible #💥│bugs
- If you are unsure how to use the plugin, please post in the following Discord channel #💬│support